Wednesday, 24 April 2024

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2010 Milltown, WI

Milltown USA could have very easily been the theme for this show. I mean they shut down Main Street for the day! The only thing allowed on the street for a couple blocks is Vintage Sleds and of course people enjoying them. The street was filled with spectators of all ages. There were mothers with the young ones in strollers, Grandfathers taking in the day with their Grand Kids, Husband and wives, and Girlfriend holding hands with the boyfriend leisurely walking the street.
This was the town's 100th year celebration and there was plenty of good food and liquid refreshments street side to keep everyone happy. The town had many other events going on as well. To name a few there was Race cars, Show Cars, Tractor shows, Ball tournaments, and a large Arts and Craft show in the park.
The Vintage Sled show had 88 entries with some very high quality sleds ranging from antiques to custom. They held a loud pipe contest with some very interesting set ups. There was a "How Long Will It Run" contest. With only splash of gas in the tank it still made it 8 Minutes. There was a nice hand built tuned pipe on the Single cylinder Rotax so everyone on the street knew when it started and ended!
The fashion show was a hit. The contestants donned there special vintage attire and strutted their stuff up on the stage. The winner was chosen by the loudest applause. This whole show was based on fun. The fashion show definitely added to the fun.
Talk about fun! How many of you have tried your hand at "Helmet Bowling" I was told by the experts that is all in what helmet you chose and the proper wrist action on release. Once you have these two fundamentals down, it is strike after strike.
With the end of a great day near the group held a very nice awards ceremony. They gave out trophies and plenty of them to the very deserving winners.

Thanks to Phil and company for a very fun day!


